Category Archives: Wildlife Walkabout

Killdeer Mama!

This time of year, the killdeer are laying eggs and setting on them.  Officially a shorebird (plover), but often found in short pastures and especially along gravel drives on dry ground.  The wary mommas will lead predators away from the nest by running, then acting as if she is injured.


Killdeer are masters of camouflage, but thankfully i found this nest or we would have run over it with the pickups and trailers whilst unloading and loading herd bulls last week.

Killdeer mama guarding her nest seen just above her to the right.
Killdeer nest camouflaged
Killdeer nest well camouflaged.

Kildeer (2)

Killdeer mom and baby 2014 (2) - Copy
Mama with one of four babies.