Category Archives: Steak Dinner

Steak Dinner: Why Did David’s Repentance Work?

Late with this one! Shalom.

Enter Wonderland

Image courtesy of Sarah Wilson, Sarah.Anne Photography

As I read the Old Testament (OT), a question has always surfaced for me: On what merit were the faithful of the OT saved?  Why are some people considered righteous while others are condemned, when both did sinful things, and what does that mean for my understanding of God?  This is a theological question and requires a theological answer, but before you tune out, please hear this: you cannot punt on this for being “too academic” or “not practical”.  Understanding who God is and who are His people is one of the ultimate practical topics. I don’t have a theology degree, but I know that I MUST have an answer to this question in order to make sense of the God I say I follow.

So, back to our OT friends.  How were they saved? Let’s look at a couple simple answers.

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